Gain Control Over Your Pre-Settlement Cash Advance
With a pre-settlement cash advance from Gain, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your expenses are covered without having to settle your case for less than you deserve.
The Gain AdvanceAdvantage
If you’ve been injured in an accident, time works against you if you don’t have money to pay bills or get the medical treatment you need. We provide cash advances and medical financial solutions every day to help victims with accident medical payments and expenses while their attorneys have time to get the fair settlement they deserve. Best of all, we make the process easy.
Non-Recourse Funding
Your cash advance is not a loan. You will only repay the amount of your advance if you receive a financial settlement on your case.
Flexibility To Meet Your Needs
Gain works hard to provide affordable cash advance funding to help you meet your financial needs.
Quick Approval
We review your application the same day it’s received. If approved, funds can be available as quickly as 24 hours after processing.
Applying is Fast and Easy
If you’re worried that you can’t pay for medical or other important bills and fees, fill out the application form below. We’ll speak with your attorney, review the information about your case, and make an approval decision quickly.